Fred Yates
1922 - 2008

After stepping over a fry-pan and other "thrown things" in Fred's garden we reached his front door in 1986 - and had a good afternoon talk about art and life with him.

We also told Fred that we, from Newlyn Art Gallery, the year before had bought his marvellous painting Cornish Cottage (to a gallery-price that honestly was too much for us!). And Fred now told us the story of how poor he had been at the time he painted it, and how he squezzed every ounce out of his tubes to make it. So he was truly happy that we had bought this painting - so that he could buy new colours!

Fred Yates colourful paintings of local scenes and people in Cornwall and Rancon, France, is heavy with paint. His work has collectors all over the world.

Cornish Cottage - SOLD
Cornish Cottage
Oil on board
Size: 95 X 125 cm.

S:t Ives Harbour
S:t Ives Harbour

Oil on board
Size: 110 X 130 cm.

S:t Ives Harbour
Oil on board
Size: 69 X 40 cm.

S:t Ives Harbour
(without title)
Oil on board
Size: 108 X 57 cm.

Beachparty at S:t Ives
Beachparty at S:t Ives
Oil on board
Size: 109 x 130,5 cm.